Why John Lennon left The Beatles

The Beatles break up

How it all happened

John Lennon, the lead singer of The Beatles, the one who established the band in 1957 and recruited the band members, was one of the main reasons The Beatles broke apart.
In this blog, I will explain why The Beatles broke apart and how.

The main reason for the band break up was because of Lennon's second wife, Yoko Ono, when Lennon came back from a tour in India, he was disappointed in their meditation guru and he didn't put up to Lennon's expectations, as a result, Lennon met Yoko Ono, the Japanese-American conceptual artist in her exhibition and fell in love with her work.
they maintained a low profile relationship until his first wife, Cynthia went on a holiday vacation and the two stayed at John's studio.
Yoko and John announced themselves as a couple.
When John was working in the studio with the band, Yoko would come with him and it would disturb the band members and the band's moral so as a result, they put up a rule that no girlfriends or wives are allowed in the studio.
sometime later, John told the band members he's leaving the band and they didn't announce it until Ringo star and Paul McCartney announced they were leaving as well, the band broke up and each band member continued to release solo tracks.

That was the main and the crucial reason the band broke up.


  1. .wow I didn't know this
    .to think a girlfriend would break up such a great band


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